Erin Parker, Director of the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative led us through our final webinar in our Farm Bill overview series. The webinar covered Title XII of the Farm Bill, the Miscellaneous title. Despite the name, the miscellaneous title contains many provisions important to Indian Country and serves as a catch-all for programs which do not fit neatly into another title. To access a copy of the slide deck and learn about the programs within the Miscellaneous title, keep scrolling.
To access the recording of our Miscellaneous title webinar, please visit our Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter pages.
While seemingly functioning as a “catch-all” for topics not covered in other titles of the Farm Bill, the Miscellaneous Title contains many important programs. In addition, the section can also contain program authority or create broad policy or management changes with sweeping impacts across the programs and authorities discussed in other titles or across the multiple mission areas, agencies, and offices of USDA.
The issues covered within the Miscellaneous Title cover a wide variety of areas ranging from veterans’ services to specific grant-making programs, to authorities related to the Office of the Secretary. There are many areas of the Miscellaneous Title that touch on issues that impact tribal communities and also support specific programs used by tribes. This overarching title of the Farm Bill can be used to coordinate work across all titles and create new programs and authorities that can be either piloted or implemented. This title is the avenue to address issues that do not fit neatly in other titles.
Be sure to follow our Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages to learn when our next webinar will take place. See you then!